• Engineer A

    Fields of technologies
    Computer software/hardware, Firmware, LSI, Communication, Network, Image processing and the like.
    (i) Major Electric Company (ii) Major IP Firm
    Educational Background
    B.A. Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Chemistry.
    The EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 2, Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc.Second Class Information Processing Engineer (1990).
  • Engineer B

    Fields of technologies
    Chemistry, Electronic Device, Silicon Semiconductors/Compound semiconductors.
    (i) Japanese Chemical Company (ii) Major IP Firm
    Educational Background
    B.A. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Bioregulation and Biochemistry.
    Class A hazardous materials engineer
  • Engineer C

    Fields of technologies
    Chemistry, Material Science, Semiconductors.
    Japanese IP Firm
    Educational Background
    M.S. Okayama University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry.
  • Engineer D

    Fields of technologies
    System engineer in Japanese Manufacturer (software), involved in system development.
    Educational Background
    B.A. Waseda university, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Network Engineering.
  • Engineer E

    Fields of technologies
    General Chemistry, Metals.
    Iron and Steel Manufacturer
    Educational Background
    M.E. Chiba University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology.
  • Engineer F

    Fields of technologies
    Information Processing, Electronic Materials
    Worked as an Engineer for a Japanese Materials Manufacturer, engaged in the improvement and maintenance of factory equipment.
    Educational Background
    M.E. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Institute of Engineering, Department of MOT
  • Engineer G

    Fields of technologies
    Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Biotechnology.
    Worked as a sales engineer for a Japanese housing equipment manufacturer.
    Educational Background
    M.E. Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Biotechnology.