・Coauthor. "Patent Evaluation Method Proposal for Universities", Patent (Official Magazine of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association) 2019, Vol. 72, No. 2 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. “New Patent Practice Manual of Numerical Limitation Inventions and Parameter Inventions – Best Use of Development Results and Measures against Competitors’ Patents”, Tokyo: JOHOKIKO Co., Ltd., August 2018 (in Japanese)
・ Coauthor. "'Patents Inventory' and Strategies for Patent Establishment", Tokyo: Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd., December 2017 (in Japanese)
・“How to Obtain Patents Conducive to Business Growth, Part II – Patents Protecting against Competitors ” Chemical industrial economy July 2017 (in Japanese)
・“How to Obtain Patents Conducive to Business Growth, Part I – Perspective of ‘Applying for Patents to Protect and Grow your Business’” Chemical industrial economy May 2017 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. “How to Deal with Reasons for Rejection in Chemical and Material Patents”, Tokyo: Science & Technology Co., Ltd., February 2017 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. “[Feature Article] Development in Biomimetics Materials in Full Swing” ENGINEERING MATERIALS Vol.63 No.8, Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Sha, August 2015 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. "Latest Technology in Self-Healing (Scratch Recovering) Materials and Trends in Manufacturers’ Choices", Tokyo: Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd., 2011 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. "Winnable Patent Practices on Chemical and Material Patents", Tokyo: Science & Technology Co., Ltd., 2011 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. "Know-How for the Reply to the Notice of Reasons for Rejection", Tokyo: Science & Technology Co., Ltd., 2009 (in Japanese)
・"Know-How for Patent Prosecution Practices in Chemical and Material Fields", Tokyo: Science & Technology Co., Ltd., 2007 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. "Claim Drafting against Diversified Earnings Structure of the Software Industry", Patent (Official Magazine of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association) 2006, Vol. 59, No. 6 (in Japanese)
・Coauthor. "Practical Considerations in ‘Patent Eligibility’ in Business-Related Inventions - For avoiding rejections under the Japan Patent Act, Article 29(i), main paragraph (Industrial Applicability)" Patent (Official Magazine of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association) 2004, Vol. 57, No. 6. (in Japanese)